Natural England Licensed for bats, great crested newts, otter, dormouse, etc.

Chartered Biologists
Over 20 Years Experience.
ELMAW Consulting is an Ecological Consultancy run by Keith and Emma Seaman and was established in 2000. We provide independent and expert advice and aid with achieving planning permission through surveying and reporting to developers and planning consultants, architects, local authorities, land managers and private individuals, carrying out Protected Species Risk Assessments and Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA), Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) as well as Ecological Enhancement Schemes.
In the UK a number of species are protected from disturbance as a result of surveying, surveyors have to be licensed by Natural England. Keith Seaman is a Natural England licensed Ecologist and Wildlife Biologist for all species of bat (Level 2), dormouse, otter, barn owl and great crested newt. In addition, Keith Seaman is experienced in surveying for species not requiring a Natural England survey licence, including badger, water vole and reptiles. Principal Ecologist holds CSCS card.
Email: emma.seaman@elmaw.co.uk
Phone: 01763 245900
Greys Farm, Therfield road, Royston, SG8 9NW